Today on 27 February 2024, Death Anniversary of Sher-E-Duggar Lala Hans Raj Mahajan ji was observed at Lala Hans Raj Mahajan Sabha ,Talab Tillo, under the Presidentship of Sh Ayodhya Gupta Ji, Wherein the renowned members of Mahajan Biradari remembered the contributions of Lala Ji towards the Society. It was felt that his contributions were not restricted upto the Mahajans or Jammu only rather he worked for up liftment of different classes of the society throughout the country.

President Sh Ayodhya Gupta Ji stressed upon the community to follow the footprints of Lala Hans Raj Mahajan.
The prominent persons present on the occasion were Rattan Lal Gupta, Krishan Lal Gupta, Dr O P Gupta,Vijay Gupta, Tarsem Gupta,Rajan Gupta, Brijesh Gupta, Veena Gupta, Bhupinder Gupta,Rajesh Gupta,Ramesh Gupta, Pappu Ji Gupta, Rocky Gupta, Sonali Gupta,Pinku Ji, Yogesh Gupta