On October 30th, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a heartfelt radio address to the nation, sharing New Year wishes and an inspiring vision for the future. Among the distinguished BJP leaders present during this significant broadcast was Ayodhya Gupta, BJP’s esteemed leader and registrar, who played a pivotal role in amplifying the PM’s message.

PM Modi called upon citizens to actively participate in the Kumbh Mela, emphasizing its importance as a symbol of India’s spiritual and cultural unity. He also urged the nation to unite in the fight against life-threatening diseases like malaria and cancer, advocating for a healthier and stronger India.

Reflecting on the speech, Ayodhya Gupta expressed his admiration for the Prime Minister’s vision, stating:
“PM Modi’s message underscores our government’s unwavering commitment to the welfare of every citizen. It inspires us to preserve our cultural heritage while striving for a disease-free India.”

Ayodhya Gupta’s dedication to advancing these ideals further solidifies his impactful leadership within the BJP and his efforts to strengthen our nation’s future.

#AyodhyaGupta #NarendraModi #NewYear2024 #KumbhMela #HealthyIndia #BJPLeadership #FightDiseases #CulturalUnity #BJPJammu #IndiaTogether


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